Boston Dynamics PETMAN in Camouflage Wearing Gas Mask

Military Mosquito Robots Collecting DNA & Blood!

The Human Avatar Programs by NASA & DARPA

BigDog Throwing Cinder Blocks


DARPA’s Pet Robot Climbs Obstacles

The HiBot Amphibious Snake Robot

Sand Flea Jumping Robot by Boston Dynamic

DARPA: Military’s Martial Law Robots Herding Humans?

The Sarcos Robot

Smart Bird Life-Like Drone

Snakebot Tree Climbing Scout Robot

Nano Quadcopter Robots Fly Information

Rise of the Drones: ABC TV

DARPA’s Cheetah 28MPH Running Robot

DARPAโ€™s Big Dog by Boston Dynamics

Miniature Humanoid Robots Helping Each Other

RiSE by Boston Dynamics

MIT’s Cheetah Running Robot

Snake Surveillance Robot Climbing Pole

DARPAโ€™s Robot Climbing Stairs

Quad Drones Swarm With Spot Lights

Surveillance Blimp Hybrid Air Vehicles HAV 366

DARPAโ€™s Mule Robot

Genetically Modified Soldiers DARPA: The Mutant Wars

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