The television was designed to tell you what โ€œTHEYโ€ want you to know it has never informed anyone of anything except for the occasional 5 day forecast or local sigalert warning. Used as a visual dissemination weapon for decades the network television departments headed by the new world orders minions in charge of product placement and predictive programming have given us a healthy dose of zombie apocalypse protocol. ย To further push this paradigm into the public subculture the HALO Corporation have embraced the idea of zombies and will be demonstrating how to deal with a full blown zombie attack. In addition to this live enactment of the end of the world there will be a host of other Orwellian like scenariosโ€™ playing out. Here is a list of some of the courses that will be offered at the HALO Corporationโ€™s national terrorism summit this year in San Diego over a 5 day period.


  • Islamic Literalist Ideology
  • Domestic Counter-Terrorism Insurgency Operations (COIN)
  • U.S. – Mexico Extradition Treaty
  • Foreign Weapons Identification
  • Basic iPhone Forensics and Exploitation for Law Enforcement
  • Corporate Threat Awareness (Corporate Espionage)
  • Terrorism and Terrorist Organizations – Police, Military & Private Security Counter-Terrorism Complacency
  • Cartel Threats to the U.S. (aka Mexico’s Drug War)
  • Global Threat Analysis: Red Dragon Rising, Mother Russia and Democratic Korea
  • Think Like the Enemy: A Navy SEALโ€™s Guided Tour Through Your Adversaryโ€™s Mind
  • Domestic Human Trafficking / Pimping and Prostitution
  • Home Invasion Kidnapping Enforcement (HIKE)
  • Trafficked Victim’s Account of the US Sex Trade
  • Tactical Interrogation, Debriefing and Elicitation
  • DICE: Hospital Dynamic Internal Crises and Events
  • Cartels: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
  • The Mumbai Attacks – A Strategic Assessment
CDC Zombie Warning?

CDC Zombie Warning

The courses listed above give you an idea of what the government freelance agencies are developing for implementation in urban and domestic locations. The Basic iPhone Forensics and Exploitation for Law Enforcement course gives me the impression that your cell phone may be needed as part of the identification processing protocol America has already started to implement with the National Identification Act or Real ID Act.


Looking closure at the list you will see whenever they use the word domestic the topic becomes very disturbing for instance the Domestic Human Trafficking / Pimping and Prostitution or Domestic Counter-Terrorism Insurgency Operations. Could this be a reality coming to the future United States of America? Who is the Domestic in these examples and when does an American become an insurgent? Will we be able to see the end before it crashes down on us or have we already become the zombies unaware of the ongoing apocalypse?

Research Link

Experimental Vaccines Daily News Original Article

Security firm to hold zombie crisis scenario

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