Autism Rates 1 in 50 Kids are Vaccines Responsible?
on March 28, 2013 at 9:10 pm[adsenseyu2]
The pharmaceutical veiled of delusion that tourniquets our view of reality has slipped slightly out of place just long enough to cast a beam of light on the deception being propagated against the youth of America. A recent survey Conducted by the Center for Disease Creation and Proliferation indicates an increase in the number of children afflicted with ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Starting in the 1980โs autism began to appear at a rate of 1 in 10,000 children by the 1990โs this number jumps to 1 in 500. Fast forward to 2010 the rate of autism is 1 in 88 children and now the new survey for 2013 indicates another spike in the statistic with 1 in 50 children being diagnosed with autism. How many children need to be afflicted with this illness until it is declared an epidemic?
ย The vaccine court has awarded two families millions of dollars for vaccine related injuries resulting in autism. The MMR and the DTaP Vaccinations are the two culprits responsible for the children’s autism spectrum disorder. With evidence surmounting even the court systems are starting to connect the dots between vaccines and childhood related illnesses. Vaccines have been designed to weaken and damage the immune system making you more susceptible to viruses and bacteria when you encounter them in the wild. The pharmacratical dictators have constructed a system of control which markets death and disease under the guise of vaccinations and medications. Living in the most controlled experimental society in human history we can see the eugenicists ultimate goal of population reduction unfolding before our eyes. The current phase of population elimination involves control which has result in a breed of disabled children who will soon become disabled adults.
Welcome to a brave new world.
Research Links
CDC Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
ABC News 1 in 50 Kids has Autism
CNN Higher Number of Children with Autism
MMR Vaccine Causing Autism in Baby Monkeys
USNews One in 50 Children has Autism
Infectious Outbreaks Related to Vaccinations
Huffington Post Vaccine Court Awards Millions
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