The Six Biggest Misconceptions About Vaccines and Control Mechanisms ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿงฌโš ๏ธ

๐Ÿ’ฅ Unmasking the Truth with Lyndsey House, RN! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Hey truth seekers, Dick Vegas here! This jaw-dropping article is brought to you thanks to the incredible Lyndsey House, RN. Lyndsey, a dedicated and healthy nurse, experienced severe health issues after being coerced into taking the COVID-19 vaccine. Her journey from being a perfectly healthy, athletic young woman to facing devastating health problems is both shocking and inspiring.

Lyndseyโ€™s story is a powerful reminder of the hidden dangers associated with the vaccine. She has bravely stepped forward to share her experiences, exposing the truth and fighting for justice for all those who have suffered. Her resilience and strength have inspired many to join the fight for transparency and accountability in the pharmaceutical industry.

For more insights and updates from Lyndsey, follow her on Twitter @HouseLyndseyRN and visit her Linktree. Thanks to her tireless efforts, we continue to shed light on these critical matters.

Written by Dick Vegas, approved by Kenny Valenzuela,

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๐Ÿšจ The Dangers of AstraZenecaโ€™s COVID-19 Vaccine: Blood Clots and Beyond ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿฉธ

๐Ÿšจ Argentina’s Pfizer Scandal: The Breakdown! ๐Ÿšจ

Hey truth seekers, Dick Vegas here with the latest explosive conspiracy! ๐Ÿ’ฃ Argentina is gearing up for a courtroom showdown, with criminal charges against Pfizer for allegedly covering up severe vaccine injuries and deaths. The hero in this saga? Augusto Roux, a lawyer who participated in the Pfizer trial and faced brutal health issues. ๐Ÿ’‰

Roux, a fit and health-conscious guy, joined the trial in Buenos Aires. After the first dose, he suffered from severe side effects, including pericarditis. Despite worsening symptoms, he completed the second dose and ended up hospitalized.

The Allegations:

  • Manipulated Data: Roux uncovered evidence suggesting Pfizer and key trial sites tampered with data to secure approval. ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ
  • Regulatory Breaches: The trial allegedly ignored Good Clinical Practice (GcP) protocols, prioritizing speed over safety.
  • Gaslighting: Rouxโ€™s condition was misclassified as COVID-19, hiding the vaccine’s adverse effects.

The Legal Battle:

  • Initial Dismissal: Rouxโ€™s complaints were dismissed by Judge Ariel Lijo, suspected of corruption and delaying responses.
  • Higher Court Victory: Roux appealed, and a federal court ruled in his favor, allowing him to act as a private prosecutor. โš–๏ธ
  • Charges: Include โ€œideological falsehood,โ€ โ€œabandonment of person,โ€ and โ€œnon-compliance of the duties of a public official.โ€

This case could be a landmark in holding Big Pharma accountable! Stay tuned for more as this drama unfolds. ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”ฅ

Read more on TrialSiteNews.

๐Ÿšจ Dick Vegas Warning: Vaccine Debauchery Unmasked ๐Ÿšจ

๐Ÿšจ Argentina’s Pfizer Scandal: The In-Depth Breakdown! ๐Ÿšจ

Hey truth seekers, Dick Vegas here, and I’ve got a wild one for you. We’re talking about Argentina’s legal system going full throttle against Pfizer, accusing them of hiding vaccine injuries and deaths. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill lawsuit; we’re diving into criminal territory here. Let’s unravel this conspiracy step-by-step! ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’ฃ

Meet the Whistleblower: Augusto Roux

Augusto Roux, a lawyer from Buenos Aires, is at the center of this explosive case. In his mid-30s, Roux was the picture of healthโ€”a non-smoker, non-drinker, a runner, and a cross-fit enthusiast. Concerned about his mother’s lung condition, Roux decided to participate in the Pfizer-BioNTech clinical trial, receiving his first dose on August 21, 2020.

The Nightmare Begins

Shortly after receiving the jab, Roux started experiencing severe adverse effects. It began with localized pain at the injection site, which quickly escalated to swelling, nausea, difficulty swallowing, and a perpetual hangover feeling. Within a week, things took a turn for the worseโ€”distorted sense of smell, whitish stool, dark urine, and more.

Despite these alarming symptoms, Roux soldiered on to get his second dose on September 9. But on his way home, he experienced severe shortness of breath, chest pain, and chronic fatigue. A few days later, he collapsed at home and was hospitalized from September 12 to 14. Despite his severe condition, the hospital’s notes precluded fever and tachycardia, pointing instead to COVID-19โ€”a diagnosis that tests later ruled out.

Unmasking the Cover-Up

Rouxโ€™s condition, ultimately linked to pericarditis, was initially brushed off as just another COVID-19 case. But as Roux dug deeper, he uncovered a tangled web of deception. Pfizer and key trial sites, particularly those managed by Dr. Fernando Polack, allegedly manipulated data to ensure swift vaccine approval. Good Clinical Practice protocols were ignored in the rush to get the vaccine out.

The Legal Battle Heats Up

Determined to expose the truth, Roux first presented his case to Judge Ariel Lijo, who delayed responding to the complaint amid suspicions of corruption. The case then moved to Judge Julian Ercolini, with prosecutor Ramiro Gonzalez insulting and attacking Roux, calling him โ€œcrazy.โ€

Despite these setbacks, Roux appealed to a federal court, which ruled in his favor on May 28, 2024. The court appointed Roux as a โ€œquerellante particular,โ€ or private complainant, granting him the power to act as a prosecutor. This decision marks a significant milestone, possibly the first criminal prosecution of a COVID-19 vaccine sponsor and its partners.

The Charges

The charges against Pfizer and its collaborators include “ideological falsehood,” “abandonment of person,” and “non-compliance of the duties of a public official.” The federal chamber also called for an investigation into the director of Argentina’s National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Devices (ANMAT) for similar offenses.

Media and Public Reaction highlighted Roux’s saga, detailing hidden deaths, destruction of key tests, subject abandonment, and over-hasty diagnoses during the Pfizer trials. The prospective defendants include Dr. Fernando Polack, Alejandra Gurtman (Pfizer’s senior VP), and Dr. Nelida Agustina Bisioโ€”all accused of covering up adverse reactions and concealing death statistics.

The Quest for Justice

Despite the overwhelming odds, Roux remains undeterred. His willingness to fight against a pharma giant epitomizes the David vs. Goliath battle. Roux plans a thorough investigation before formally moving the charges forward. The outcome of this case could be earth-shattering, setting a precedent for holding pharmaceutical companies accountable.

Whatโ€™s Next?

Only time will tell if justice will prevail. Rouxโ€™s case could be the tipping point in the global debate over vaccine safety and accountability. For now, we watch and wait as this legal drama unfolds. Stay tuned, truth seekers, because the truth is out there, and Dick Vegas is on the case! ๐Ÿ”โš–๏ธ

Read more on TrialSiteNews.

Here are twelve articles discussing the criminal charges against Pfizer in Argentina and other related legal battles:

  • Nigeria Files Criminal Charges Against Pfizer: This article discusses Nigeria’s criminal and civil charges against Pfizer for its role in the deaths and disabilities of children treated with an experimental drug during a 1996 meningitis outbreak in Kano. Read more [โž].
  • COVID-19 Vaccines: A Crime Against Humanity?: This piece explores a criminal complaint filed with the International Criminal Court, accusing various leaders and pharmaceutical executives, including those from Pfizer, of crimes against humanity related to COVID-19 vaccines. Read more [โž].
  • European Prosecutors Take Over Belgian Probe into Pfizergate: European prosecutors have taken over an investigation into allegations of criminal wrongdoing related to vaccine negotiations between the EU Commission President and Pfizer’s CEO, focusing on possible corruption and data manipulation. Read more [โž].
  • Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Pfizer: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued Pfizer for allegedly misrepresenting the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine and conspiring to censor public discourse about its effectiveness. Read more [โž].
  • Pfizerโ€™s $2.3 Billion Settlement: This article revisits Pfizer’s $2.3 billion settlement related to fraudulent marketing practices for its drug Bextra, illustrating the company’s history of legal challenges. Read more [โž].
  • Nigeria Files New Charges Against Pfizer: Details new criminal charges filed by Nigerian officials against Pfizer for the unauthorized testing of an experimental drug on children, resulting in deaths and disabilities. Read more [โž].
  • Ken Paxtonโ€™s Investigation into Pfizer: This report covers the broader investigation led by Texas AG Ken Paxton into Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers over alleged misrepresentation and public health deception. Read more [โž].
  • Pfizer and BioNTechโ€™s Vaccine Data Analysis: Highlights an updated analysis of Pfizer and BioNTechโ€™s vaccine efficacy among children and adults, discussing the implications for public health and legal accountability. Read more [โž].
  • Pfizerโ€™s History and Legal Battles: An overview of Pfizerโ€™s history, its various products, and numerous legal challenges, emphasizing the company’s pattern of controversial practices. Read more [โž].
  • European Prosecutors Investigate Pfizergate: This detailed investigation covers the European Public Prosecutorโ€™s Office (EPPO) probing the alleged improper dealings between Pfizer and European Commission officials. Read more [โž].
  • Criminal Charges Against Pfizer in Argentina: Discusses the imminent criminal charges against Pfizer in Argentina for allegedly covering up vaccine injuries and deaths, highlighting the legal and ethical implications. Read more [โž].
  • Texas AG’s Lawsuit Against Pfizer: Provides an in-depth look at the lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton against Pfizer for misrepresenting vaccine efficacy and suppressing critical public discussions. Read more [โž].

These articles provide a comprehensive view of the legal challenges and controversies surrounding Pfizer and its COVID-19 vaccine.

The Silent Killers: The Unseen Hand of the COVID Cover-Up ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ“ˆ

Additional Key Points on Pfizerโ€™s Legal Battles and Vaccine Issues ๐Ÿ’‰โš–๏ธ

  • Pfizerโ€™s History of Legal Issues: Pfizer has faced multiple legal challenges over the years, including a $2.3 billion settlement for fraudulent marketing practices. Read more [โž].
  • Pfizer and BioNTechโ€™s Vaccine Data Analysis: Updated analysis on the efficacy of Pfizer and BioNTechโ€™s vaccine among different demographics. Read more [โž].
  • Ken Paxtonโ€™s Investigation into Pfizer: Texas AG Ken Paxton’s broader investigation into Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers over alleged misrepresentation and public health deception. Read more [โž].
  • Pfizergate: A detailed investigation by European prosecutors into allegations of improper dealings between Pfizer and European Commission officials. Read more [โž].
  • International Criminal Court Complaint: A criminal complaint filed with the ICC accusing various leaders and pharmaceutical executives of crimes against humanity related to COVID-19 vaccines. Read more [โž].
  • Pfizerโ€™s Role in Global Vaccine Distribution: Examining Pfizerโ€™s impact and strategy in distributing COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. Read more [โž].
  • Vaccine Safety Monitoring: How global health organizations monitor the safety and efficacy of vaccines, including Pfizerโ€™s COVID-19 vaccine. Read more [โž].

These points and links provide a broader context and deeper understanding of the ongoing legal and ethical issues surrounding Pfizer and its COVID-19 vaccine.

Here are five Twitter handles that have been discussing the criminal charges against Pfizer in a negative way:

  • @BrookJackson: Brook Jackson, a COVID-19 whistleblower, has been vocal about Pfizer’s alleged misconduct during vaccine trials, claiming significant data integrity issues and improper practices. Read more [โž].
  • @SGTreport: The SGT Report has featured discussions about Pfizerโ€™s vaccine campaign being fraudulent, highlighting admissions about the vaccine’s testing inadequacies. Read more [โž].
  • @EPPO: The European Public Prosecutor’s Office has been investigating the “Pfizergate” scandal, involving alleged corruption and improper dealings in vaccine negotiations. Read more [โž].
  • @ToddCallender: Todd Callender has been active in discussions about holding Pfizer and its executives accountable for alleged crimes against humanity related to vaccine distribution. Read more [โž].
  • @POLITICOEurope: Politico Europe has reported extensively on the legal troubles Pfizer faces, including the investigation by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Read more [โž].

These accounts provide additional context and voices discussing the ongoing legal challenges Pfizer is facing.

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