COVID-19 Era Cancers: The ModRNA Vaccine Conspiracy ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿงฌ๐Ÿ”

The NIAID’s Arbovirus Blog: The Truth Behind the Science

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) presents itself as a bastion of scientific integrity. Their Arbovirus Blog highlights the ongoing battle against arboviruses, including dengue. However, what lurks beneath the surface of these seemingly innocuous updates? The blog lauds the strides in vaccine development, but fails to address the long-term consequences and risks associated with these hastily approved solutions. Are we witnessing another case of Big Pharma prioritizing profit over public safety?

CDC’s Dengue Vaccine Information: A Veil of Safety?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a public overview of the dengue vaccine, emphasizing its importance in preventing this debilitating disease. Yet, the CDC’s history of vaccine endorsements raises questions. Is this another instance where the potential dangers are downplayed to maintain a faรงade of safety and efficacy? The CDC’s narrative often omits crucial data on adverse reactions and long-term impacts, leaving the public with an incomplete picture.

WHO’s Q&A on Dengue Vaccines: Controlled Narratives and Selective Information

The World Health Organization (WHO) offers a Q&A session on dengue vaccines, portraying a balanced view of the benefits and potential risks. But how much of this information is selectively curated to align with global vaccination agendas? The WHO’s stance often mirrors that of influential pharmaceutical companies, raising concerns about the impartiality of their recommendations. The true efficacy and safety of these vaccines remain shrouded in corporate interests and bureaucratic red tape.

Conclusion: Unraveling the Truth

As we delve into these sources, a pattern of controlled narratives and selective information emerges. The NIAID, CDC, and WHO may present themselves as champions of public health, but their close ties with pharmaceutical giants suggest a more complex, and potentially sinister, agenda. The true impact of dengue vaccines, much like other vaccines, remains obscured by a veil of regulatory approvals and scientific endorsements. It is crucial to question and scrutinize these sources to uncover the real story behind the dengue vaccine push.

For more eye-opening investigations into vaccine controversies, explore the Experimental Vaccines archive.

Articles on the Dengue Vaccine Dilemma

  • WHO Prequalifies New Dengue Vaccine
    The World Health Organization has recently prequalified a new dengue vaccine, TAK-003, which is aimed at providing protection against the four serotypes of the dengue virus. This approval marks a significant step in the global fight against dengue, though concerns about long-term safety and efficacy remain.
  • WHO Position Paper on Dengue Vaccines
    This position paper by WHO delves into the recommendations and safety guidelines for the newly approved dengue vaccines. It addresses the potential benefits and risks associated with large-scale immunization programs.
  • Nature: Dengue Vaccine Poised for Roll-Out but Safety Concerns Linger
    An article from Nature discusses the imminent rollout of dengue vaccines in various regions while highlighting the lingering safety concerns that have not been fully addressed. The piece emphasizes the need for ongoing monitoring of vaccine recipients to ensure safety.
  • Dengvaxia in the Philippines: Impact of the Dengue Vaccine
    This article reviews the controversial rollout of the Dengvaxia vaccine in the Philippines, where initial enthusiasm was followed by serious safety concerns, particularly related to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) in recipients who had not previously been infected with dengue.
  • The Dengue Vaccine Controversy Explained | Biomedical Odyssey
    This piece from Johns Hopkins Biomedical Odyssey blog provides an in-depth look at the controversy surrounding Dengvaxia, including its limited effectiveness and the specific conditions under which it is recommended for use.
  • CDC Meeting Slides on Dengue Vaccine
    Presentation slides from a recent CDC meeting outline the latest findings and recommendations regarding dengue vaccines, including updates on efficacy, safety, and implementation strategies.

Original Links Provided

Wild International, One Day as a Lion, Zack de la Rocha: Song Breakdown ๐ŸŽค๐Ÿ”ฅ

Kenny’s Articles from

  1. Flu Shot Dilemma: The Shifting Narrative on Vaccinations for Pregnant Women
    An exploration of the evolving recommendations and potential risks associated with flu vaccinations during pregnancy.
  2. Unveiling the Web: A Conspiratorial Gaze into Digital Control with Dick Vegas
    A deep dive into the world of digital surveillance and control, through the lens of conspiracy theories.
  3. The Dangers of AstraZenecaโ€™s COVID-19 Vaccine: Blood Clots and Beyond
    An investigation into the adverse effects associated with AstraZenecaโ€™s COVID-19 vaccine, particularly focusing on blood clots.
  4. Microchips in Vaccines: The Digital Surveillance Nightmare Unfolding!
    Examines the controversial claim of microchips being used in vaccines for digital tracking purposes.
  5. EMF and Wi-Fi: The Invisible Threat to Our Harmony
    Discusses the potential health risks posed by electromagnetic fields and Wi-Fi exposure.
  6. Vaccines Causing Infections Across the USA 2019
    Highlights instances where vaccines have allegedly caused infections rather than prevented them.
  7. New Study Shows Dozens of Vaccines Contaminated With Heavy Metals
    Reports on a study revealing contamination of various vaccines with heavy metals.
  8. Autism Increase 300% for Neonates Receiving the Hep B Vaccination
    Investigates the correlation between the Hepatitis B vaccine and the rise in autism rates among neonates.
  9. DTaP Vaccine Contaminated With the Carcinogen Formaldehyde
    Details the contamination of the DTaP vaccine with formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.
  10. CDC Admits DTaP Vaccine Spreads Disease
    Discusses the CDCโ€™s admission that the DTaP vaccine may actually spread the diseases it is meant to prevent.

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