Big Pharmaโ€™s Antivirals Are a Complete FAILURE! ๐Ÿ’ฃ๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ›‘

The WHO’s Bird Flu Blunder:

Chapter 1: The WHO – The Owl of the New World Order

๐Ÿฆ‰ The World Health Organization, also known as the WHO, is more than just an international public health body. Like the owl symbol of the New World Order, the WHO represents hidden surveillance and control over global health narratives. ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ Unelected officials run this organization, wielding power that surpasses our constitutional rights. They dictate legislation, enforcing health mandates that often go unquestioned. This recent misinformation about the bird flu death in Mexico is a prime example of their unchecked authority. ๐ŸŒ They claimed the man’s death was due to H5N2, spreading unnecessary panic. Itโ€™s a deliberate move, reminiscent of their tactics during the COVID-19 pandemic. ๐Ÿ’‰ By labeling every death as COVID-related, they controlled the narrative and kept the population in a state of fear and compliance. This is not a mistake; it is a calculated strategy to undermine our freedoms.

Chapter 2: The Liars Act – Media and Misinformation

๐Ÿ“ฐ The media is completely controlled and bought out by the pharmaceutical companies that sponsor all their ads. ๐Ÿ’ต If they don’t comply with the intended programming, these puppet masters will pull their ads. The WHO and their cronies in the mainstream media are pushing a false narrative to maintain their grip on power. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ“บ Outlets like HealthLine continue to push the lie that the man died from bird flu, even though the correction was made on June 7. This isn’t just sloppy journalism; itโ€™s deliberate misinformation. They depend on the WHO’s press releases without verifying facts, showcasing the media’s role as mere mouthpieces for Big Pharma. ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ“ฐ Read more about this manipulation.

Chapter 3: Injections – Genetically Modified Injections of Death

๐Ÿ’‰ Let’s be clear: Vaccines are poison! Theyโ€™re designed to kill you, not save you. The government, Big Pharma, and media are all in on this agenda. They want you sick, scared, and controlled. ๐Ÿงฌ These vaccines are genetically modifying people from the inside out, turning healthy individuals into perpetual patients. Being alive has become a diagnosis, with every symptom scrutinized and medicated. They can even turn genes on and off to create illnesses on demand. This bioengineering nightmare is designed to keep us dependent on their toxic solutions. ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ’Š Stay informed about these dangers.

Chapter 4: Be Safe – Look Out for the Truth

๐Ÿ”’ This is how they operate. They spread fear, control the narrative, and keep you in the dark. Donโ€™t be fooled by their lies. Stay informed, question everything, and never trust the mainstream narrative. This is Dick Vegas, signing off, keeping the truth alive in a world full of deception. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ

๐Ÿ‘‰ For more eye-opening truths, visit Stay woke, stay vigilant. The fight for truth never ends. ๐ŸŒŸ

Written by Dick Vegas, approved by Kenny Valenzuela,

One Flew Over the Bird Fluโ€™s Cuckoo Nest, H5N1, The Coming Pandemic ๐ŸŽฒ๐Ÿฆ…

Here are six mainstream news articles discussing the recent misinformation about the bird flu (H5N2) death in Mexico:

  • UPI: “WHO confirms Mexico man’s death from bird flu strain never before seen in humans” – This article details the World Health Organization’s announcement regarding the man’s death and the subsequent realization that his death was not directly caused by H5N2. Read more here.
  • Medical Xpress: “Man in Mexico died of a bird flu strain that hadn’t been confirmed in humans before, WHO says” – This source provides information on the victim’s health conditions and the investigation into the source of his infection. Learn more here.
  • Yahoo News: “First human death in Mexico from H5N2 influenza strain adds to bird flu anxiety” – Yahoo News discusses the broader implications of this case and how it has increased concern over bird flu strains. Read the article.
  • The Telegraph: “Mexico man dies of bird flu strain never before detected in humans” – This article covers the details of the case and the World Health Organization’s response. Check it out here.
  • Reuters via Yahoo News: “Person with bird flu died in Mexico, WHO says” – Reuters provides an in-depth look at the WHO’s announcement and the subsequent investigation into the man’s death. Read more.
  • USA Today via Yahoo News: “Patient in Mexico dies after bird flu infection, becoming strain’s first human fatality: WHO” – This article outlines the circumstances of the death and the WHO’s confirmation that this was the first human fatality from H5N2. Learn more.

These articles provide a comprehensive overview of the situation and highlight the misinformation initially spread by the WHO.

The Modern Dr. Moreau: Fauciโ€™s Dark Legacy ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿงฌ๐Ÿ’‰

Here are six articles and publications that revolve around criticism of the WHO and the conspiratorial perspectives on the bird flu situation:

  • VOA News: “Conspiracy theorists seize on bird flu infections to accuse US of staging pandemic” – This article discusses how conspiracy theorists have claimed that the bird flu is a man-made pandemic orchestrated for economic and societal control, highlighting claims from Natural News about pre-prepared vaccines. Read more here.
  • Yahoo News: “Conspiracy theorists flock to bird flu, spreading falsehoods” – This piece covers the spread of misinformation about bird flu, including claims that it is a hoax or a genetically engineered bioweapon intended to cause new lockdowns. Learn more here.
  • NewsNation Now: “Conspiracy theorists flock to bird flu, spreading falsehoods” – Similar to other articles, this one discusses the various conspiracy theories circulating about the bird flu and the distrust of governmental and scientific institutions. Check it out here.
  • MPR News: “Conspiracy theorists flock to bird flu, spreading falsehoods” – This article explores how conspiracy theories regarding the bird flu resemble those from the COVID-19 pandemic, noting the role of online misinformation. Read the full article.
  • Detroit News: “Conspiracy theorists flock to bird flu, spreading falsehoods” – This publication details how conspiracy theories about the bird flu have led to claims of it being fake or a deliberate bioweapon, fueled by a distrust of official sources. Learn more.
  • FOX 5 Atlanta: “Experts decry conspiracy theories surrounding recent bird flu outbreak” – Experts criticize the spread of conspiracy theories about the bird flu, addressing misinformation and the role of online platforms in propagating these false claims. Read more here.

These sources provide a critical perspective on the WHO’s handling of the bird flu situation and the accompanying conspiratorial narratives.

The Hidden Power of Words: Unveiling the Vibrational Truths Behind Speech ๐ŸŽค๐Ÿ”ฎโœจ

Here are six articles and publications that question the narrative around the WHO’s handling of the bird flu death in Mexico, discussing it in a conspiratorial light:

  • PolitiFact: “Bird flu is not a pandemic, and Bill Gates didnโ€™t say children are being targeted” – This article addresses conspiracy theories suggesting that the bird flu and vaccines are part of a larger, malevolent plan by elites like Bill Gates. Read more here.
  • UN News: “Pandemic experts express concern over avian influenza spread to humans” – This publication discusses the concerns raised by health experts about the spread of bird flu to humans and the potential for it to be used as a pretext for new health measures. Learn more.
  • WHO: “Avian Influenza A(H5N1) โ€“ United States of America” – This report includes information on the spread of H5N1 and criticisms regarding the response and transparency of health organizations. Check it out here.
  • Nature: “Why is bird flu so bad right now?” – This article explores the severity of the current bird flu outbreak and includes discussions on the potential manipulation of the virus for economic or political gain. Read the article.
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center: “Misinformation, Disinformation, and Conspiracy Theories” – This piece delves into the spread of misinformation about bird flu and the role of government and media in controlling the narrative. Learn more here.
  • The Conversation: “How to tell if a conspiracy theory is probably false” – While primarily focused on debunking conspiracy theories, this article provides insights into the narratives around bird flu and other health crises. Read more.

These articles provide critical perspectives and raise questions about the official narratives surrounding the bird flu situation.

The Battle of Frequencies: Natural Harmony vs. Man-Made Dissonance ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ“ก

Here are six recent articles from that discuss the problems with bird flu from an anti-vaccine perspective:

  • Pandemic Profiteers: The Hidden Dangers of the H5N1 Vaccine Push – This article highlights the risks associated with the H5N1 vaccine, questioning the motivations behind its production and distribution. Read more here.
  • Dick Vegas Breaks the News: CDCโ€™s Hidden Truths About the A(H5N1) Outbreak – Dick Vegas exposes what he believes are hidden truths about the avian influenza outbreak and the CDC’s role in covering it up. Learn more here.
  • FDA Approved Epidemic? – This article questions the FDA’s approval of the bird flu vaccine and suggests it is part of a larger agenda. Check it out here.
  • Dick Vegas Chronicles: The H5N1 Apocalypse Unleashed! – Dick Vegas discusses the supposed sinister agenda behind the H5N1 influenza and its detection in unpasteurized milk. Read the article.
  • Flu Shot Dilemma: The Shifting Narrative on Vaccinations for Pregnant Women – This article explores the controversial shift in flu vaccination recommendations for pregnant women and the potential risks involved. Learn more.
  • Dick Vegas Breaks the News: CFRโ€™s Latest Move on H5N1 โ€“ Pandemic Prep or Power Play? – Dick Vegas delves into the Council on Foreign Relations’ involvement in pandemic preparedness and questions their true motives. Read more here.

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