The Ongoing NIH Gain-of-Function Scandal: Lies, Obfuscation, and Gaslighting! ๐Ÿงฌ๐Ÿ’ฅ

The Internet Censorship Is Completeโ€ฆ Goodbye Freedom ๐Ÿšจ

The Hidden Powers Behind HTML ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿค”

Hey Dick, it’s Kenny. Guess what I found out. ๐ŸŒ The internet, since its inception, was a tool designed not just for connectivity but for control. Regulatory agencies like the FCC have long held the reins, stifling voices that challenge the status quo. But here’s the kicker: the internet was made and released to collect vast amounts of data, feeding their LLMs and AI machines. That’s why it was free! On the back end, they built in the ability to censor and subjugate freedom of speech. It’s a digital Trojan horse, my friend! Learn more about FCC.

Google’s Stranglehold on Information ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ป

Google isnโ€™t just a search engine; it’s the largest ad-selling company in the world, controlling and regulating the flow of commerce online. They’ve monopolized the ad market, deciding who gets to sell and who doesn’t. Experimental Vaccines was one such casualty. They removed my ads, cutting off my revenue stream. I had $95 in my account, just $5 short of the payout threshold. Now, they have my money, and I can’t get a straight answer from their automated systems. It’s a fortress of bureaucracy, and there’s no way in. If anyone has a contact inside, drop me a link below! Learn more about Google’s ad policies.

The Web Hosting Conspiracy ๐Ÿข๐Ÿ’ผ

The censorship web tightens with web hosting providers. These giants, like AWS and Google Cloud, have the power to unplug your site if they donโ€™t like what youโ€™re saying. ISPs monitor your every move, logging your data and controlling your access. When I was downloading a large lot of content, they threatened to ban me for exceeding arbitrary limits. They want total control over your digital life, and any deviation from their rules is swiftly punished. It’s digital tyranny! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

The Global Network of Suppression ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ”’

This isn’t just an isolated conspiracyโ€”it’s a global network. Social media platforms have been co-opted by agencies like the NSA, CIA, FBI, Interpol, and international government mafias. These platforms, once heralded as bastions of free speech, now serve as tools of oppression. The owners of these companies have deep ties to these agencies, ensuring that dissenting voices are silenced. Theyโ€™re watching us, manipulating us, and keeping us in check. We’re in a digital cage, and it’s closing in. ๐Ÿšจ

Grassroots Resistance: The Last Hope ๐ŸชงโœŠ

The solution lies in grassroots resistance. Start by securing your neighborhood, then your community. Grow your own foodโ€”gardens are the new gold. Money is losing its value; soon, the most valuable currency will be food and resources. Gold and silver have always been staples, valued for their intrinsic properties. But in a crisis, food will be the ultimate currency. Invest in solar power generators like Jackery or Bluetti, and stock up on essentials like cigarette lighters, matches, sugar, and coffee. When the power goes out and stores close, a loaf of bread will be worth more than a $100 bill. The time to prepare is now!

This is written by Kenny Valenzuela, approved by Dick Vegas.

Good luck. Hope all ends well. Don’t forget, I warned you. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐ŸŒŸ

The Long COVID Conspiracy: Unmasking the Vaccine Damage ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ˜ท

Here are a dozen top-selling books that delve into government control and conspiracies, including some classics and more recent works. These books explore themes of suppression, manipulation, and dystopian realities:

  1. “1984” by George Orwell
  • A classic dystopian novel that explores the terrifying world of totalitarian government surveillance and control.
  • Find on Amazon
  1. “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley
  • Another seminal dystopian novel that delves into a future world where technology controls society and free will is suppressed.
  • Find on Amazon
  1. “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” by Carroll Quigley
  • An extensive history book that uncovers the hidden machinations of political and economic power in the 20th century.
  • Find on Amazon
  1. “Behold a Pale Horse” by Milton William Cooper
  • A foundational text in conspiracy theory literature, covering topics from government cover-ups to UFOs.
  • Find on Amazon
  1. “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve” by G. Edward Griffin
  • This book explores the origins of the Federal Reserve and suggests it was created through a conspiracy.
  • Find on Amazon
  1. “The Biggest Secret” by David Icke
  • Ickeโ€™s controversial book claims to reveal hidden truths about global elites and their control over humanity.
  • Find on Amazon
  1. “Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power” by Anna Merlan
  • A modern look at the rise of conspiracy theories in American culture and politics.
  • Find on Amazon
  1. “Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer” by James L. Swanson
  • This book examines the conspiracy behind the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.
  • Find on Amazon
  1. “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” by Edward T. Haslam
  • Investigates the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman and its ties to cancer research, polio vaccines, and Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Find on Amazon
  1. “The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World” by L. Fletcher Prouty
    • Explores the hidden actions of the CIA and its influence over global and domestic politics.
    • Find on Amazon
  2. “The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska” by John W. DeCamp
    • Details allegations of a child trafficking ring involving high-level officials in Nebraska.
    • Find on Amazon
  3. “The Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses” by Daniel Estulin
    • Discusses the influence of the Tavistock Institute on global thought and behavior through psychological manipulation.
    • Find on Amazon

These books provide a comprehensive look at various aspects of government control and conspiracies, from historical accounts to speculative theories.

One Flew Over the Bird Fluโ€™s Cuckoo Nest, H5N1, The Coming Pandemic ๐ŸŽฒ๐Ÿฆ