The Long COVID Conspiracy: Unmasking the Vaccine Damage ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ˜ท

Hey everyone, itโ€™s Kenny Valenzuela here. I need to share some critical information with you all. I’ve uncovered some shocking trends that are pushing us toward the normalization of vaccine injury, and we need to act now.

๐ŸŒŸ The Vaccine Injured, New Candidates for Assisted Suicide, COVID-19 Fallout ๐ŸŒŸ

Listen up, folks! This whole COVID-19 pandemic? It was nothing but a ploy, a gimmick, designed to inject people with these dangerous vaccines. We’ve seen this before with SARS-CoV-2 back in 2003. The virus didnโ€™t do squat! Itโ€™s the vaccines causing all these deaths and illnesses. The eugenicists are trying to cull the population, and it’s high time we woke up to this reality.

According to media and social media reports, two alarming trends are merging into a catastrophe:

  1. Assisted Suicide Mainstreaming: In Canada and Europe, assisted suicide is becoming mainstream, with many people suffering from mental depression opting to end their lives with full support from the so-called healthcare system. This trend is horrifying because many people who are suicidal can recover. Governments and medical bodies should not be involved, especially with grounds as vague as “depression.”
  2. Vaccine Injury: Millions of people are suffering from vaccine injuries due to these COVID-19 countermeasures. These individuals are being gaslit by a medical establishment that refuses to acknowledge the widespread vaccine injuries or find ways to help those affected. It’s a tragedyโ€”some people are being euthanized because of post-vaccine syndrome, and this might become more common. In Canada, the number of medically assisted deaths has skyrocketed since the deployment of these vaccines.

TrialSite estimates that in the United States, between a quarter of a million to 2 million people are struggling with a significant loss of quality of life due to adverse effects from these COVID-19 vaccines. Some might argue it’s a small price to pay for the lives these vaccines supposedly saved, but thatโ€™s nonsense. The real tragedy is that COVID-19 was used as a cover to roll out these deadly vaccines, leading to an extraordinarily high injury rate.

We need to gather specific data to trace back and identify patterns of vaccine injury. Hereโ€™s what we need from you:

  • Blood types
  • Vaccination dates
  • Vaccine types
  • Location of vaccination

Collecting this information is crucial for understanding who was most affected, when, and where. It will help us determine if certain blood types were targeted and analyze geographical statistics to reveal the rollout of different ailments associated with the vaccines.

Learn more about vaccine awareness, vaccine exemption forms, and vaccine avoidance on

This message is approved and written by Kenny Valenzuela.

For more information, visit Post-Vac Syndrome Association.

COVID Virus or Vaccine: Neurocognitive Morbidity in Children ๐Ÿง ๐Ÿ’‰