๐ŸŒŸ Alaska Vaccine Exemption & Resource Hub ๐ŸŒŸ

The Vaccine Money Machine: An Exposรฉ by Dick Vegas ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’ฐ

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round because we’ve got a story that’s bound to blow your minds! We’re diving deep into the murky waters of the vaccine industry, where the narrative spun by mainstream media is all about altruism and the greater good. But behind the scenes, it’s a different ball game altogetherโ€”a money-making machine thatโ€™s humming louder than ever. ๐ŸŽญ๐Ÿ’‰

The Setup: Heroic Beginnings or Strategic Investments?

When COVID-19 hit, pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer and Moderna swooped in with their lifesaving vaccines. At first, it seemed like a benevolent move. Prices were set low, around $19.50 per dose for Pfizer and about $15.25 for Moderna, thanks to massive government funding. We’re talking over $18 billion for Moderna alone from the US government! That’s right, Uncle Sam footed the bill to get these vaccines developed and rolled [โž] [โž]rceใ€‘.

The Great Price Hike: From Penny Saver to Price Gouger

Fast forward to today, and those same vaccines are now commercialized, with prices skyrocketing to between $110 and $130 per dose! That’s a 650% to 800% increase, folks! The same companies that once looked like saviors are now making a killing, and whoโ€™s paying the price? You are. And let’s not forget the uninsured and underinsured, who might find these new prices a bitter pill to swa [โž] [โž]rceใ€‘.

The Media Spin: Altruism or Profit?

Mainstream media would have you believe that these companies are in it for the greater good. They paint a picture of benevolent corporations working tirelessly for humanity. But let’s get real here. These companies are businesses, and businesses are in it for profit. The idea that theyโ€™re not making any money off these vaccines is a farce. In fact, the profits are staggering, with Pfizer alone reporting revenues of $58.5 billion in [โž]rceใ€‘.

The Danger: A Precedent for Future Exploitation

This isn’t just about the money being made off the COVID-19 vaccines. It’s about setting a dangerous precedent. By allowing such dramatic price hikes, weโ€™re opening the door for future exploitation. Imagine what happens when the next health crisis hits. Will we see the same pattern of initial low prices followed by exorbitant increases once we’re all dependent on the product? You bet we will! ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿ’‰

The Hidden Costs: More Than Just Money

The financial burden on individuals is just the tip of the iceberg. Higher vaccine prices mean higher health insurance premiums and increased healthcare costs overall. This affects everyone, even those who think theyโ€™re insulated by their insurance plans. And letโ€™s not forget the impact on public health programs, which will struggle to cover these inflated costs, potentially leaving the most vulnerable without prot [โž] [โž]ourceใ€‘.

Conclusion: Stay Informed, Stay Vigilant

So, what’s the takeaway here? Donโ€™t buy into the narrative that vaccine manufacturers are doing this out of sheer goodwill. The money trail tells a different story. Stay informed and stay skeptical. Watch where the money flows and question the motives behind these sudden price hikes.

This exposรฉ was written by Dick Vegas and approved by Kenny Valenzuela, experimentalvaccines.org.

Remember, folks, knowledge is power. Donโ€™t let the wool be pulled over your eyes. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ”

๐Ÿšจ Dick Vegas Warning: Vaccine Debauchery Unmasked ๐Ÿšจ

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a substantial amount of legislative activity worldwide. Many new laws were enacted to manage the public health crisis and its socioeconomic impacts. Hereโ€™s an overview of the types of laws and the number of significant legislative actions taken in response to the pandemic:

Global and Federal Legislative Actions

  1. United States Federal Government
  • Major Bills Enacted: Six major bills, including the CARES Act and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, totaling about $5.3 trillion to address various aspects of the pandemic, such as public health, economic relief, and support for businesses and individuals [โž].
  • Additional Measures: Other laws included extending unemployment benefits, direct payments to individuals, and aid to state and local governments [โž].
  1. State Actions in the United States
  • Emergency Power Laws: Between 2020 and 2023, at least twelve bills aimed at increasing legislative oversight of gubernatorial emergency powers were enacted in nine states [โž].
  • General Legislation: Numerous state-level laws addressed public health measures, education, economic security, housing, and legislative operations [โž].

International Legislative Actions

  1. Global COVID-19 Law Lab Initiative
  • Database of Laws: This initiative by the WHO, UNDP, and other organizations compiled legal documents from over 190 countries to manage the pandemic. It includes laws on emergency declarations, quarantine measures, disease surveillance, and access to healthcare [โž].

Key Areas of New Legislation

  • Public Health: Laws focused on emergency declarations, quarantine protocols, mask mandates, and social distancing.
  • Economic Relief: Legislation providing financial assistance to individuals and businesses, such as direct payments and loan programs.
  • Healthcare Access: Expanded telehealth services, vaccine distribution laws, and funding for COVID-19 testing and treatment.
  • Education: Measures to facilitate remote learning and funding to help schools reopen safely.

Examples of Specific Laws

  • Senate Bill 379 in Arkansas: Limited state of emergency durations to 60 days unless extended by the governor, with provisions for legislative oversight [โž].
  • House Bill 1426 in Colorado: Required the governor to hold public meetings and provide information on disaster emergencies to the state legislature [โž].

This legislative response has been crucial in managing the pandemic and will continue to evolve as governments address ongoing and future public health challenges. For a comprehensive overview of these laws, you can explore the COVID-19 Law Lab and various legislative databases.

Hereโ€™s a breakdown of the revenue generated from the COVID-19 vaccine for each company in 2023, and a comparison to their 2018 revenues, which did not include COVID-19 vaccine sales:


  • 2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: Approximately $13.5 billion
  • 2018 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: $0 (no COVID-19 vaccine)
  • Difference: +$13.5 billion
  • Source: Pfizer 2023 Annual Report


  • 2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: Approximately $18.4 billion (primarily from COVID-19 vaccine)
  • 2018 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: $0 (Moderna’s significant vaccine revenue began with COVID-19 in 2020)
  • Difference: +$18.4 billion
  • Source: Moderna 2023 Financial Results

Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)


  • 2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: Estimated $4 billion
  • 2018 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: $0 (no COVID-19 vaccine)
  • Difference: +$4 billion
  • Source: AstraZeneca 2023 Financial Results


  • 2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: Limited (Sanofi’s COVID-19 vaccine contributions were not as substantial as other major players, focusing more on collaborative efforts)
  • 2018 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: $0 (no COVID-19 vaccine)
  • Difference: Minimal impact from COVID-19 vaccine sales
  • Source: Sanofi 2023 Financial Results

Merck (MSD)

  • 2023 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: Minimal (Merck focused more on therapeutics rather than COVID-19 vaccines)
  • 2018 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue: $0 (no COVID-19 vaccine)
  • Difference: Minimal impact from COVID-19 vaccine sales
  • Source: Merck 2023 Financial Results

Summary of COVID-19 Vaccine Revenue Impact

  • Pfizer and Moderna saw the most significant revenue increases from COVID-19 vaccine sales in 2023, which were non-existent in 2018.
  • Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca also saw substantial increases, but less than Pfizer and Moderna.
  • Sanofi and Merck had minimal impact from COVID-19 vaccine sales, focusing more on other areas.

This breakdown highlights the dramatic impact COVID-19 vaccine sales had on the revenues of major pharmaceutical companies from 2018 to 2023.

Hereโ€™s a comparison of the revenue generated by major vaccine manufacturers in 2023 and 2018:

2023 Revenue

  1. Pfizer
  1. Moderna
  1. Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)
  1. AstraZeneca
  1. Sanofi
  1. Merck (MSD)
  • Total Revenue: $59.3 billion
  • Vaccines Revenue: Approximately $10 billion (includes Gardasil, MMR, and others)
  • Source: Merck 2023 Financial Results

2018 Revenue

  1. Pfizer
  1. Moderna
  • Total Revenue: Not applicable (Moderna’s significant revenue from vaccines began with COVID-19 in 2020)
  1. Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)
  1. AstraZeneca
  1. Sanofi
  • Total Revenue: โ‚ฌ34.5 billion (~$37.9 billion)
  • Vaccines Revenue: โ‚ฌ5.1 billion (~$5.6 billion)
  • Source: Sanofi 2018 Annual Report
  1. Merck (MSD)
  • Total Revenue: $42.3 billion
  • Vaccines Revenue: Approximately $6.5 billion (includes Gardasil, MMR, and others)
  • Source: Merck 2018 Annual Report

This comparison provides a snapshot of the financial performance of major vaccine manufacturers in 2023 and 2018, highlighting significant growth, particularly due to the impact of COVID-19 vaccine sales.

Here’s a breakdown of the revenue generated by major vaccine manufacturers in 2023:



Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)



Merck (MSD)

  • Total Revenue: $59.3 billion
  • Vaccines Revenue: Approximately $10 billion (includes Gardasil, MMR, and others)
  • Source: Merck 2023 Financial Results

These figures provide a snapshot of the financial performance of major vaccine manufacturers in 2023, focusing on their vaccine revenues. You can use this information to give your website visitors a clear picture of the economic impact and scale of these companies’ vaccine production efforts.

To enhance the page on your website that informs people about vaccine ingredients and their production processes, you might consider including the following sections and information:


  • Purpose: Explain the goal of the pageโ€”providing transparent, accurate information about vaccine ingredients and their production processes.
  • Importance: Emphasize why understanding vaccine ingredients is crucial for informed decision-making.

Vaccine Production Overview

  • General Process: Provide a brief overview of how vaccines are made, including:
  • Research and Development: The initial stages of identifying antigens.
  • Production: Culturing antigens using cells, eggs, or yeast.
  • Purification: Removing impurities to isolate the antigen.
  • Formulation: Combining the antigen with stabilizers, preservatives, and adjuvants.
  • Quality Control: Testing for safety and efficacy before approval and distribution.
  • Sources: CDC Vaccine Testing and Approval Process, WHO Vaccine Development

Detailed Ingredient Lists

  • Categorization: Organize the vaccines by type (live attenuated, inactivated, subunit, toxoid, mRNA, etc.) and list their ingredients and production details as you have started.
  • Highlighting Specific Components: Explain the role of each ingredient (e.g., aluminum as an adjuvant to boost immune response, thimerosal as a preservative).

Safety and Efficacy

  • Regulatory Approval: Describe the rigorous process vaccines undergo to receive FDA approval, including clinical trials and ongoing monitoring.
  • Common Misconceptions: Address common myths and misconceptions about vaccine ingredients (e.g., thimerosal and autism, aluminum safety).
  • Sources: FDA Vaccine Safety, CDC Vaccine Safety

Infographics and Visual Aids

  • Process Flowcharts: Visual representations of the vaccine development process.
  • Ingredient Maps: Diagrams showing where each ingredient comes from and its purpose in the vaccine.


  • Common Questions: A section addressing frequently asked questions about vaccine ingredients, such as:
  • Why do vaccines contain aluminum?
  • What are diploid cells and why are they used?
  • Are there any animal-derived ingredients in vaccines?
  • Sources: CDC Frequently Asked Questions

Additional Resources

  • Links to Package Inserts: Direct links to detailed package inserts for each vaccine listed on the FDA or manufacturer websites.
  • Educational Videos: Embed videos explaining vaccine development and safety (e.g., from CDC or WHO).

Citations and References

  • Scientific Studies: Links to peer-reviewed studies on vaccine ingredients and safety.
  • Official Guidelines: References to guidelines from health authorities like the CDC, FDA, WHO, and EMA.

Example Content:

“Vaccines are one of the most significant achievements in public health, preventing millions of deaths each year. However, understanding what goes into these vaccines and how they are made can help build trust and confidence. This page provides detailed information on vaccine ingredients and the processes involved in their production.”

Vaccine Production Overview:
“Vaccines are developed through a meticulous process that involves several stages: research and development, production, purification, formulation, and quality control. Each step is crucial to ensure the final product is safe and effective.”

Detailed Ingredient Lists:
“Below is a detailed list of ingredients for various vaccines, categorized by type. Each ingredient plays a specific role, from stimulating the immune response to preserving the vaccine’s stability.”

By including these sections, you can create a comprehensive, informative page that helps educate the public about vaccines. Let me know if you need more specific content or assistance with any other parts!

Here are the growth mediums or cultures used for the vaccines listed:

Vaccines Containing Diploid Human Cells

  1. Adenovirus Type 4 and 7: Unseen Invaders!
  1. Chicken Pox: The Feathered Fighter!
  1. MMR: The Triple Threat!
  • Growth Medium: Human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures (WI-38 and RA27/3)
  • Source: CDC MMR Information

Vaccines Containing Thimerosal

  1. Influenza: The Seasonal Storm!

Vaccines Containing Aluminum Adjuvants

  1. Anthrax: The Silent Menace!
  • Growth Medium: Various bacterial culture mediums (specifics not always disclosed)
  • Source: FDA Anthrax Vaccine
  1. Haemophilus Type B: The Hidden Threat!
  1. Hepatitis A: The Liver Striker!
  1. Hepatitis B: The Silent Protector!
  1. HPV: The Invisible Shield!
  • Growth Medium: Genetically engineered yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
  • Source: FDA HPV Vaccine
  1. Pertussis Whooping Cough: The Coughing Crisis!
  1. Pneumococcal: The Lung Defender!

Other Vaccines

  1. Polio: The Paralyzing Plague!
  • Growth Medium: VERO cells (a line of kidney cells from African green monkeys)
  • Source: CDC Polio Information

This provides a comprehensive overview of the cultures and growth mediums used in the production of these vaccines. If you need further details, feel free to ask!

Hereโ€™s the breakdown of the vaccines containing diploid human cells, thimerosal, and aluminum adjuvants based on the given list:

Vaccines Containing Diploid Human Cells

  1. Adenovirus Type 4 and 7: Unseen Invaders!
  1. Chicken Pox: The Feathered Fighter!
  1. MMR: The Triple Threat!
  • Contains: Human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures (WI-38 and RA27/3)
  • Source: CDC MMR Information

Vaccines Containing Thimerosal

  1. Influenza: The Seasonal Storm!

Vaccines Containing Aluminum Adjuvants

  1. Anthrax: The Silent Menace!
  1. Haemophilus Type B: The Hidden Threat!
  1. Hepatitis A: The Liver Striker!
  1. Hepatitis B: The Silent Protector!
  1. HPV: The Invisible Shield!
  • Contains: Amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate
  • Source: FDA HPV Vaccine
  1. Pertussis Whooping Cough: The Coughing Crisis!
  1. Pneumococcal: The Lung Defender!


  • Diploid Human Cells: Adenovirus Type 4 and 7, Chicken Pox, MMR
  • Thimerosal: Influenza
  • Aluminum Adjuvants: Anthrax, Haemophilus Type B, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HPV, Pertussis Whooping Cough, Pneumococcal

This categorization covers the primary ingredients and adjuvants used in the vaccines listed. If you need more detailed information or additional vaccines, let me know!

Hereโ€™s a detailed breakdown of the ingredients and additives found in various vaccines, including those on your list and additional vaccines where applicable:

Adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7: Unseen Invaders!

  • Active Ingredients: Viable adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7 strains
  • Inactive Ingredients: Human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures (WI-38), Dulbeccoโ€™s Modified Eagleโ€™s Medium, fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate
  • Source: FDA Package Insert [โž]

Anthrax: The Silent Menace!

  • Active Ingredients: Anthrax protective antigen protein
  • Inactive Ingredients: Aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, formaldehyde
  • Source: FDA Anthrax Vaccine [โž]

Chicken Pox: The Feathered Fighter!

  • Active Ingredients: Live attenuated varicella-zoster virus
  • Inactive Ingredients: Sucrose, phosphate, glutamate, neomycin, bovine calf serum
  • Source: Merck Package Insert

Diphtheria: The Choking Hazard!

  • Active Ingredients: Diphtheria toxoid
  • Inactive Ingredients: Aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, phenol
  • Source: CDC Diphtheria Information

Haemophilus Type B: The Hidden Threat!

  • Active Ingredients: Polyribosylribitol phosphate (PRP) conjugated to tetanus toxoid
  • Inactive Ingredients: Sodium chloride, aluminum hydroxide, sucrose
  • Source: FDA Hib Vaccine

Hepatitis A: The Liver Striker!

  • Active Ingredients: Inactivated hepatitis A virus
  • Inactive Ingredients: Aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol
  • Source: CDC Hepatitis A Information

Hepatitis B: The Silent Protector!

  • Active Ingredients: Recombinant hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
  • Inactive Ingredients: Aluminum hydroxide, yeast protein, sodium chloride
  • Source: CDC Hepatitis B Information

HPV: The Invisible Shield!

  • Active Ingredients: HPV L1 protein
  • Inactive Ingredients: Amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, yeast protein, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80
  • Source: FDA HPV Vaccine

Influenza: The Seasonal Storm!

  • Active Ingredients: Inactivated influenza virus strains
  • Inactive Ingredients: Egg protein, formaldehyde, octylphenol ethoxylate (Triton X-100), gelatin
  • Source: FDA Influenza Vaccine

Japanese Encephalitis: The Exotic Enemy!

Meningococcal: The Brain Invader!

  • Active Ingredients: Neisseria meningitidis serogroups A, C, Y, W-135 polysaccharide conjugated to diphtheria toxoid
  • Inactive Ingredients: Sodium chloride, histidine, sucrose
  • Source: CDC Meningococcal Information

MMR: The Triple Threat!

  • Active Ingredients: Live attenuated measles, mumps, and rubella viruses
  • Inactive Ingredients: Sucrose, phosphate, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, neomycin
  • Source: CDC MMR Information

Pertussis Whooping Cough: The Coughing Crisis!

  • Active Ingredients: Pertussis toxin, filamentous hemagglutinin, pertactin
  • Inactive Ingredients: Aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80
  • Source: FDA Pertussis Vaccine

Pneumococcal: The Lung Defender!

  • Active Ingredients: Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharides
  • Inactive Ingredients: Aluminum phosphate, polysorbate 80, succinate buffer
  • Source: CDC Pneumococcal Information

Polio: The Paralyzing Plague!

  • Active Ingredients: Inactivated poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3
  • Inactive Ingredients: Formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol, neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B
  • Source: CDC Polio Information

For further details, you can explore the package inserts and additional resources provided by the FDA, CDC, and other reliable sources. This should give a comprehensive overview of the ingredients in various vaccines. Let me know if you need any more information!

Pandemic Profiteers: The Hidden Dangers of the H5N1 Vaccine Push ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿฆ

Closing Call to Action: Spread the Word! ๐Ÿ“ฃ๐ŸŒ

Alright, folks, itโ€™s time to take action! This information is too important to keep to ourselves. We need to share this far and wide. Post it on all your social media platformsโ€”Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you name it. Tag your friends, family, and followers. Letโ€™s create a wave of awareness that canโ€™t be ignored. ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ“ฑ

Reach out to your Senators and public officials. Send them emails, call their offices, and urge them to take a stand. Ask them to tweet about this issue and share it in their publications. We need their voices to amplify this message. The more people know about the vaccine price hikes and the profiteering behind them, the better chance we have of making a real change. ๐Ÿ›๏ธ๐Ÿ“ง

Letโ€™s aim for a maximum threshold where this information is everywhere, and everyone is talking about it. We canโ€™t let these corporate giants get away with exploiting our health for their profits. Together, we can hold them accountable and push for fair pricing and transparency in the pharmaceutical industry. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ

This message is approved by Dick Vegas. Iโ€™m not quite sure where Kenny Valenzuela is, but the fight continues. Keep spreading the word and stay vigilant. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ”