Another Unstoppable Monkey Virus With No Cure Infecting Humans ๐Ÿต๐Ÿ”’

The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Your Vaccine ๐Ÿ’‰

Vaccines have long been heralded as the pinnacle of modern medicine, a protective shield against the scourge of disease. But what if this shield comes with a hidden dagger, waiting to strike when least expected? Enter the world of adjuvantsโ€”those mysterious, unassuming additives that pharmaceutical companies slip into your vaccines. Adjuvants like MF59 and AS03 are designed to hyper-stimulate your immune system, forcing it into overdrive. These oil-in-water emulsions contain squalene, a naturally occurring substance in your body. However, when injected in these potent forms, squalene pushes your immune system to its limits, making it work tirelessly, day and night. But the story doesnโ€™t end with just a boosted immune response. This relentless stimulation can lead to the immune system burning itself out, leaving behind a battlefield littered with malformed or deformed antibodies. These rogue antibodies are not the heroes of your immune system; they are the villains, paving the way for exotic illnesses and autoimmune disorders. The medical community may feign ignorance, but the truth is there, lurking in the fine printโ€”adjuvants are not just enhancing vaccines; they are setting the stage for a lifetime of health issues. โš ๏ธ

Eugenicists and the Dark History of Variolation โš ๏ธ

The story of vaccines is not one of pure scientific progress, but rather one of control, manipulation, and dark intentions. The roots of vaccination can be traced back to variolation, an ancient practice that involved deliberately infecting individuals with smallpox to confer immunity. But this practice, adopted by eugenicists in the 1700s and 1800s, was not just about disease preventionโ€”it was about population control. These early practitioners saw variolation as a tool to selectively cull the population, targeting the weak and the vulnerable. As this practice evolved into what we now call vaccination, the underlying philosophy remained the same. Fast forward to the 1950s, and the polio vaccine scandal reveals the true nature of this dark history. The SV40 cancer virus, deliberately introduced into millions of polio vaccine doses, was no accident. It was a calculated move to kickstart the cancer industry, a move that has led to a trillion-dollar market capitalization today. The connection between vaccines and the cancer industry is not just a conspiracy theory; itโ€™s a historical fact, buried under decades of misinformation and cover-ups. The eugenicists may be gone, but their legacy lives on, deeply embedded in the fabric of modern vaccination practices. ๐Ÿงฌ

The Adjuvants: Fueling the Fire of Disease ๐Ÿงฌ

Adjuvants like MF59 and AS03 are often praised by the medical community for their ability to enhance the effectiveness of vaccines. But at what cost? These compounds are not benign; they are powerful stimulants that force the immune system into a state of hyperactivity. This constant state of alert leads to chronic inflammation, a condition that is at the root of many modern diseases. When the immune system is pushed too hard for too long, it begins to falter, losing its ability to distinguish between the bodyโ€™s own cells and foreign invaders. This confusion leads to autoimmune diseases, where the body turns on itself, attacking healthy tissues and organs. Conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis are all linked to this overactive immune response. And itโ€™s not just autoimmune diseases that are on the rise. The constant assault on the immune system by these adjuvants also paves the way for a host of other chronic illnesses, from fibromyalgia to chronic fatigue syndrome. The medical community may continue to push vaccines as the solution to all our health problems, but the reality is far more complexโ€”and far more sinister. ๐Ÿšจ

Vaccines as Tools of Population Control ๐Ÿšจ

The history of vaccines is a history of controlโ€”control over disease, yes, but also control over people. From their inception, vaccines have been used as tools of population control, a way for those in power to manipulate and manage the masses. The introduction of adjuvants like MF59 and AS03 into modern vaccines is just the latest chapter in this dark history. These adjuvants, designed to boost the immune response, are also designed to create dependency, to weaken the population over time. The eugenicists of the past would be proud to see how their legacy has been carried forward, not just in the continued use of vaccines, but in the way these vaccines are now being used to control entire populations. The introduction of the SV40 virus into the polio vaccine was not just a one-off event; it was a deliberate strategy, a test run for the larger agenda that is now playing out on a global scale. The goal is not just to protect public health, but to shape the future of humanity, one injection at a time. ๐ŸŒ

Written by Dick Vegas, created by Kenny Valenzuela, a source for vaccine exemption forms, research, information, empirical data, and government links to inserts, ingredients, and manufacturers.

Walgreens, the new bioweapons testing facility ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿงช

MF59 Adjuvant Enhances the Quality of Antigen-Specific Immune Responses”

MF59-adjuvanted Influenza Vaccines”

“MF59 – An Oil-in-Water Emulsion Adjuvant”

The Adjuvant MF59 Enhances the Germinal Center Response to Influenza Virus by Exploiting TLR Signaling in Follicular Dendritic Cells”

“The Adjuvants Aluminum Hydroxide and MF59 Induce Monocyte and Granulocyte Chemokines and GM-CSF”

The Normalization of Vaccine Injury: A Data Scientistโ€™s Urgent Call to End mRNA Vaccinations ๐Ÿšจ