Alaska Vaccine Exemption and Awareness Resource Page


The state of Alaska offers comprehensive information and resources for vaccine exemptions, immunization requirements, and public health initiatives. This page serves as a detailed guide for parents, healthcare providers, educators, and advocates to navigate the immunization landscape in Alaska.

Immunization Requirements

Alaska mandates vaccinations for children attending public and private schools, as well as childcare facilities, to protect against vaccine-preventable diseases. Compliance with these requirements is crucial for maintaining public health.

Exemption Forms

Here are the available vaccine exemption forms for the state of Alaska with emojis:

Medical Exemption

  • Medical Exemption/Immunity Form: This form must be submitted if a medical exemption is claimed. ๐Ÿฉบ๐Ÿ“„
  • [Medical Exemption Form]( [โž]eใ€‘

Religious Exemption

  • Religious Exemption Form: For parents/guardians claiming a religious exemption for their children. โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ“„
  • [Religious Exemption Form]( [โž]ceใ€‘

Additional Information

  • School and Childcare Immunization Requirements Packet: Includes detailed requirements for immunizations and exemptions. ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿ“š
  • [Immunization Requirements Packet]( [โž]urceใ€‘

For more details, visit the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Immunization page: [Alaska Immunization Program]( [โž]urceใ€‘.

Medical Exemption: Requires a licensed healthcare provider to certify that a vaccine is contraindicated for medical reasons.

Immunization Program

The Alaska Immunization Program aims to prevent and control vaccine-preventable diseases through various initiatives.

Support Groups and Advocacy Organizations

Several organizations in Alaska support vaccine awareness and provide resources for those affected by vaccine-related issues.

Healthcare and Professional Support

Alaska offers resources and guidelines for healthcare professionals to ensure proper immunization practices and compliance with state regulations.

School and Childcare Compliance

Schools and childcare facilities in Alaska must adhere to strict immunization laws to protect children and communities.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

Understanding the legal and regulatory aspects of immunization in Alaska is essential for compliance and advocacy.

Resources for Parents and Guardians

Parents and guardians can access various resources to stay informed about immunization requirements and options for exemptions.

Advocacy and Outreach

Several initiatives in Alaska focus on promoting vaccine awareness and supporting public health efforts.


This comprehensive guide provides essential information on vaccine exemptions, requirements, support groups, and resources in Alaska. By staying informed and compliant with state laws, we can protect the health and well-being of our communities.

For more detailed information and to access forms and resources, visit the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services website:


Alaska COVID-19 Legislation Overview (2020-2023)

Legislation Passed

  • House Bill 76: Signed by Governor Dunleavy, this bill ended the COVID-19 emergency declaration while ensuring the continuation of federal COVID-19 relief funds and liability protections for businesses. It included enhanced SNAP benefits for Alaskans facing food insecurity and banned the use of federal relief funds for abortions [โž] [โž].
  • House Bill 76 Details
  • COVID-19 Health Mandate 016: This mandate, part of the Reopen Alaska Responsibly Plan, allowed non-essential businesses to reopen under specific guidelines to balance infection control with economic activity resumption [โž].
  • COVID-19 Health Mandate 016 Details

Proposed Legislation Not Passed

  • House Bill 90: Proposed to address employer liability for COVID-19 vaccine injuries. It aimed to protect employers from lawsuits if an employee experienced adverse effects from a mandated COVID-19 vaccination [โž].
  • House Bill 90 Details
  • House Bill 207: Proposed legislation to audit CARES Act funds received and spent by Alaska. It sought to ensure transparency and proper utilization of federal relief funds [โž].
  • House Bill 207 Details

Emergency Powers and Health Orders

  • Emergency Powers Legislation: Adjusted the emergency powers of the governor and the commissioner of health to ensure a structured response to the pandemic while maintaining public health and economic stability [โž].
  • Emergency Powers Legislation
  • Governor’s Health Mandates: A series of health mandates issued throughout the pandemic to manage public health risks and guide the reopening process. These included restrictions on public gatherings, mask mandates, and guidelines for businesses [โž].
  • Governor’s Health Mandates

Additional Resources

For a comprehensive view of Alaska’s legislative actions and ongoing updates related to COVID-19, visit the Alaska State Legislature’s official website:

These legislative actions reflect Alaska’s efforts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, balancing public health concerns with economic impacts and ensuring ongoing support for affected residents.


Institutions Offering Free COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations in Alaska

  1. Public Health Centers
  • Public Health Centers in Alaska provide free vaccinations. You can find a nearby health center through the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services website.
  • Public Health Center Locations
  1. Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)
  • These centers offer vaccinations on an income-based sliding fee scale. No one is denied services due to the inability to pay.
  • Find a Health Center
  1. Pharmacies and Retail Clinics
  • Many pharmacies such as Walgreens, CVS, and local pharmacies like Harry Race Pharmacy in Sitka offer free COVID-19 and flu vaccines.
  • Find a Vaccination Clinic
  1. Alaska Immunization Program Providers
  • Providers enrolled in the Alaska Immunization Program offer free vaccinations for children and low-cost options for adults. These providers may bill for office visit fees but not for the vaccines themselves.
  • Alaska Immunization Program
  1. Community Vaccination Events
  • Various community events and pop-up clinics provide free COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. Keep an eye on local announcements or check with your local health department.
  • – Find Vaccines
  1. Bridge Access Program
  • This CDC program provides free COVID-19 vaccines to adults without health insurance or whose insurance does not cover the full cost of the vaccine.
  • Bridge Access Program

Additional Resources

  • A comprehensive resource to find COVID-19 and flu vaccine locations near you.
  • Alaska Department of Health and Social Services: Provides detailed information about vaccination services and locations across Alaska.
  • Alaska DHSS Vaccinations

By utilizing these resources, you can easily find locations offering free COVID-19 and flu vaccinations in Alaska.

Here are some social media channels and handles in Alaska that discuss health awareness, vaccine awareness, immunization safety, inoculation safety, and conspiracy theories:

  1. Alaska Behavioral Health
  1. Alaska Public Media
  1. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
  1. Alaska Public Health Association
  1. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
  1. Fairbanks Memorial Hospital
  1. Southcentral Foundation
  1. Providence Alaska Medical Center
  1. Mat-Su Regional Medical Center
  1. Anchorage Health Department
  2. Alaska Public Health Nursing
  3. Alaska Entheogenic Awareness Council

These channels cover a range of topics related to health and vaccine awareness in Alaska.

Here are five websites that provide extensive information about vaccines, health awareness, and related topics, especially with a connection to Alaska:

  1. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
  1. Alaska Public Health Association
  1. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
  • A nationwide resource that helps locate vaccination sites, including COVID-19 and flu vaccines, in Alaska and other states.
  1. University of Alaska Anchorage Health Services

Regarding Dr. Nick Begich, he is a well-known figure for his work on HAARP and other scientific and political issues. He resides in Alaska and has published various articles and books on these subjects, including “Angels Don’t Play This HAARP.” For more information on his work and contact details:

These resources should provide you with a comprehensive overview of vaccine-related information and health awareness in Alaska.


Here are four books by Dr. Nick Begich, along with a couple of recommended books related to atmospheric injections, vaccinations, or GMO foods:

Books by Dr. Nick Begich

Recommended Books on Atmospheric Injections, Vaccinations, or GMO Foods

These books provide a range of perspectives on the topics of atmospheric modifications, mind control technologies, and the implications of genetic manipulation in agriculture and human health.